Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Travel Time

There is something fascinating about traveling. As I make my way to the airport, I realize that it is the middle of the night where I am going. I’m also really interested in the idea of crossing the international date line. I leave today in the morning and, 11 hours later, it is tomorrow afternoon. I leave at 12:40pm, land at 4pm, but have lost an entire day.

The flight was great and the plane wasn’t full so I had space to stretch out. It was light the whole flight, so 2 movies and several TV shows I still wasn’t tired. As I opened the window shade to look at the view for landing, I was struck by the fact that it looked a lot like landing in the Netherlands (and it took almost the same amount of time to get there). After I went through customs, one of the first signs I could read said, “Wilkommen in Narita.” Narita is the name of the airport and the welcome was in several languages, but I still thought maybe I had landed in the Netherlands!

Other similarities to the Netherlands: Bikes everywhere, bike paths, narrow streets, Gouda cheese (yes, really), weather feels very similar

I arrived in Sapporo around 10pm. Teresa picked me up and on the way home we stopped for dinner—at 7-11!! However, here it’s called 7iHoldings. It was like a Japanese deli, so we got some sushi and a other snacks. We were home and I was in bed by 11pm, which meant that it was 7am my time and it had be about 24 hours of awake time.

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